When the Annual Exams had finished and we were all free, the lockdown had started in a couple of weeks. As we had not been in lockdown before, we thought it would be fine, but then we were house arrested for a few months sitting in the home. I took the lockdown in a positive manner and everything went fine. I baked some cake, brownies, cookies etc. I enjoyed the 4-5 months with my family I even learnt to ride the bicycle. Every weekend we used to talk to our grandparents and cousins who live in India and abroad. I attended all the webinars that were conducted. It was really informative. Our teachers used to give the recorded videos of the chapter and some related homework. After some months, the situation had changed and everyone started to move around and started to go to friend's house malls etc., but still some cases are here and there. From this lockdown I learned many new things like cycling, cooking, drawing, chanting shlokas etc. It gave the importunate to be with our family and learn new things. Though it is a tough time, we can always be POSITIVE.